Factors associated with the vulnerability of the elderly to HIV/AIDS: integrative review
HIV, Elderly, Health VulnerabilityAbstract
Based on an integrative literature review, this study intends to know the factors associated with the vulnerability of elderly people to HIV/Aids. Thus, a search for articles was performed in the SciELO, LILACS and Medline databases via PubMed, using the controlled descriptors “HIV”; “Aged” and “Vulnerable Populations”. At the end, 14 articles were selected, whose analysis showed the conformity of knowledge divided into three main thematic categories. The study of the literature showed that the main factors associated with the vulnerability of the elderly
to HIV/AIDS were the non-use of condoms, the lack of knowledge about the disease, and the
invisibility of the elderly's sexuality in society, influencing the approach of health professionals
and the context of health actions in general.
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