Knowledge of the transplant unit nursing team in the recognition of respiratory insufficiency




Nursing, Respiratory Insufficiency, Stem Cell Transplantation


The study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of the hematopoietic stem cell transplant nursing
team about the management of Respiratory Failure , as well as to carry out training for this
purpose. This is a field research of descriptive-exploratory, quantitative nature. Data collection
was carried out between July and August 2021 and had the participation of 20 employees. Two
theoretical evaluations (beginning and end) and an in loco simulation were used. The results
show that after being trained nurses in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation sector,
improved their general performance when responding to urgent and emergency questions and in their specific knowledge of the main signs and symptoms of respiratory failure and ventilation interventions. The study contributed to reinforce the need for evidence-based nursing practice and the need for permanent education of the team to improve care practices.

Author Biographies

Raissa Cristina Gonçalves Otoni, Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte

Post Graduated in Adult Intensive Care from Faculdade Santa Casa BH in the Multiprofessional Specialization Modulation.
Bachelor of Nursing from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - Eucharistic Heart Unit.
She has experience as an intensive care nurse in a health service, working with statistical data analysis in the ICU, activities related to direct patient care, interaction of processes and internal flows of adult intensive care and clinical stabilization unit.

Shyrlene Alcione Ribeiro Cruz, Santa Casa de Misericordia de Belo Horizonte

Nurse, Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brazil


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How to Cite

Otoni RCG, Cruz SAR. Knowledge of the transplant unit nursing team in the recognition of respiratory insufficiency. Espac. Saude [Internet]. 2023 May 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];24. Available from:




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