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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and published by another journal; Otherwise, it must be justified in "Editor's comments".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.
  • The manuscripts are formatted in arial letter, body 12 (twelve), space 1.5 throughout the text
  • The Summary contains a maximum of 150 words
  • The text follows the style patterns and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors on the About The Journal page.
  • Keywords should be in accordance with Health Sciences Descriptors (DECs)  or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

Author Guidelines

About the Articles Categories

In addition to the original articles, which have priority, the magazine Espaço para a Saúde publishes articles of Review and Essays.

Original articles: these are contributions intended to disseminate results of unpublished empirical research. They must take into account the principles of objectivity and clarity of the guiding issue. They must have a maximum of 6,000 words and five illustrations (tables and/or figures, among others).

Review articles: should be categorized as Integrative or Systematic, and should contain Objective (why the literature review was performed, indicating whether it emphasizes any particular factor), Data source (inform the criteria of selection of articles, methods of extraction and evaluation of the quality of information), Synthesis of data (inform the main results of the research,  quantitative or qualitative) and Conclusions (conclusions and their applications). The results of the discussion should be separated. The procedures adopted and the delimitation of the theme should be included. Its extension is limited to 6,000 words and five visual elements.

Essay: article with critical analysis on a specific topic related to teaching and health at the invitation of the publisher. Must have a maximum of 3, 000 words.

About the Authorship

The maximum number of authors for each article is limited to five. The concept of authorship is based on the substantial contribution of each of the people listed as authors, with regard mainly to the conception and planning of the research project, obtaining or analysis and interpretation of the data, writing and critical review. The inclusion of the names of authors whose contribution does not fit the above criteria is not justified.

The journal Espaço para a Saúde adopts the Taxonomy CRediT. For more information, access:

Authors should add their ORCID code to the system at the time of submission. If the authors do not yet have their ORCID ID we recommend signing up in advance 

Copyright Statement

Authors grant the copyright to the work to the journal Espaço para a Saúde, and the work is simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) that allows its sharing with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

About Documents for Submission

The documents listed below should be attached in Step 4 "Transfer of Supplementary Documents" from the article submission process.

  • Letter of Presentation of the article to the Editor (Cover Letter): it should explain the importance of the research performed, the opinion of all authors and the commitment that the article has not been forwarded to another publication. It should be addressed to the Scientific Editor and signed by the corresponding author. The letter must contain: a) full title of the manuscript submitted; b) statement that its presentation is exclusive to the Journal; c) declaration of commitment to correctly insert the metadata of the manuscript; d) statement that evidences the main scientific contribution of the manuscript submitted and its adequacy to the scope of the Journal (because it is pertinent to the target audience of the Journal).

  • Declaration of Responsibility, Transfer of Copyright, authorship and conflicts of interest: all persons designated as authors must be responsible for the authorship of the manuscripts and have participated sufficiently in the work to assume public responsibility for their content. Authors must sign the following declaration according to the model.

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  • Title and Identification Page: indication of the names of authors with affiliation (Maximum Title, Institution, City, State and Country) should come just below the Title in Portuguese, English and Spanish (maximum 15 words) and in this must be informed the author of correspondence with physical and electronic address.

  • Main document: Text according to guidelines for preparation of the manuscript. (Main Document). Without the identification of the authors containing and according to the formatting standards: Title and Abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with keywords, keywords and words clave; text according to the structuring standards: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusions; Tables and figures numbered in order and inserted in the text; Vancouver-style references numbered in order of quotation; 

About the Preparation of the Manuscript

Manuscripts must be produced in word text editor (.doc or .docx) with: a) arial font, body 12 (twelve), space 1.5 throughout the text, including title page, abstracts, illustrations, thanks and references; b) lateral, upper and lower margins of 2.5 cm each. 

About the Structure of the Manuscript

Manuscripts must not contain authorship information, such information must be presented on the Title and Identification Page.

Submitted manuscripts must be written according to official spelling and grammar, and in accordance with the formal structure below: 

  1. Title – must contain the title of the article in Portuguese, English and Spanish, centralized, in high box, concise and complete with a maximum of 15 words.
  2. Abstract and keywords– the abstract must be presented in three languages Portuguese (Abstract), and Spanish (Resumen), with a maximum of 150 (one hundred and fifty) words. Below the abstracts, 3 (three) descriptors, separated by point (.) being, palavras-chave (Portuguese), Keywords (English) and Palabras clave (Spanish) extracted from the vocabulary "Descriptors in Health Sciences" (DeCS) are available at: or "Medical Subject Headings" (MeSH) available at:
  3. Text– articles and review articles should contain the following sections, each with its respective bold subtitle: Introduction: it should be brief, clearly define the problem studied, highlighting its importance and gaps in knowledge, providing strictly pertinent theoretical references; Method: should objectively and completely describe the methods employed, the population studied, the data source and the selection criteria; Results: should describe the results found without including interpretations or comparations and the text should complement and not repeat what is described in tables and figures); Discussion: it should contain comparison of the results with the literature, the limitations of the research and the interpretation of the authors, emphasizing the new and important aspects of the study and Conclusions: relate the conclusions with the objectives of the study, avoiding assertions not supported by the findings and including recommendations, when relevant.
  4. Tables and figures– the tables and figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, inserted in the order in which they were quoted in the text, elaborated with the MS Word tables tool and built for their direct reproduction whenever possible.Titles and captions should be in Arial font size 10, simple spacing.
  5. Speeches of participants- observe the following structure: paragraph indentation (2.5 cm), font size 10, italics, simple spacing. The identification must be encoded, presented at the end of each speech in parentheses and separated from each other by a simple space. Deletions should be indicated by the use of bracket edins [...].
  6. Thanks– should be brief and objective, only to people or institutions that contributed significantly to the study, but that have not met the authorship criteria, provided that there is express permission of the nominees. They can include thanks to institutions for their economic, material and other support. 
  7. Citations– identify the references in the text by sequential Arabic numbers, overwritten, for example1; when it comes to sequential citation, separate the numbers by dash, for example 1-5; when interleaved use a comma, for example1,3,7. When inserted at the end of the paragraph or sentence must be before the end point and when inserted next to a comma must be before it. Ipsis literes quotes should be placed in quotation marks, without italic, size 12, in the text sequence, with the limit of three lines.
  8. References– references must be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are quoted in the text and normalized according to the Vancouver style, available on the site ( Journal titles should be referred to in abbreviated form, according to Index Medicus: ( with up to 6 (six) authors are all cited; over 6 (six) authors, the first six authors are mentioned, followed by the Latin expression "et al". References in footnotes or end-of-page will not be accepted. At least one article published in the journal Espaço para a Saúde should be used as a reference to the manuscript. 

About the Process of Judging Manuscripts 

The article submitted to the Journal, which meets the "Instructions to authors" and that are in line with the editorial policy, will be sent for evaluation by two reviewers (Blind review) of recognized competence in the subject addressed (peer review). If there is disagreement in the opinion, the article will be forwarded to a third consultant (ad hoc). The editor then forwards the opinion of acceptance, reformulation or justified refusal to the authors. Anonymity is guaranteed throughout the trial process. The decision on acceptance is made by the Scientific Editorial Board. The rejected articles, duly reformulated, may be submitted with new work, initiating another process of judgment.

The publishing criteria established by the Journal aim to ensure the quality of publications. Tools for locating similarity of texts are used to detect plutogio, taking into account that academic plutogium, at any level, is a crime.

About the Follow-up of the Process 

The author may follow the editorial flow of the manuscript through the electronic system. Decisions about the manuscript will be communicated by e-mail and made available in the electronic system. Similarly, contact with the Journal secretariat should also always be done by the electronic system. 

About the Printing Press Test 

The proof of price will be accessed by the author via electronic system. To view proof of the article you will need the Adobe Reader program or similar. To access the Proof of Price and supplementary Declarations, the author must access the link of the electronic system, using login and password already registered.

Proofs of security are sent by e-mail within 48 hours for reply.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.